The primary concern of R1HRDC Ethics Research Committee is to promote the conduct of ethical health research. Sufficient and sustainable training programs in research ethics for researchers and stakeholders from the region are important to prepare them not just on the basic principle of ethical research but also on how to conduct ethics review procedures and to establish their own ERC among others.
Thus, on July 25-26, 2018, the committee through the Philippine Health Research Ethics Board (PHREB), conducted the Basic Research Ethics Training (BRET) at Metro Vigan Fiesta Garden Hotel, Bantay, Ilocos Sur. This is helped the participants to understand the basic principles in research ethics, more specifically, to make them understand the moral dimensions of research. The activity was also done to inform, update and guide participants regarding the different guidelines and concepts for research ethics, and to motivate research stakeholders to do and advocate quality ethical research.
The 2-day training/workshop was led by the experts in ethical research Dr. Marita V. Tolention – Reyes and Dr Josephine Millado Lumitao. Among the topics tackled were: Research Ethics; Scientific Soundness; Principle of Beneficence and Non-Maleficence; Principles of Respect for Person: Informed Consent; Principle of Justice; Social and Behavioural Research; Conflict of Interest; Institutional, National and International Controls; Initial Procedures and Review Processes; Post Approval Procedures; and the Concept of Ethical Researcher.
Such activity is one of the ways of the consortium through its Ethics Review Committee to help its member institutions establish their functional ERC and will eventually undergo accreditation process.