With the theme “Fostering Research Integrity in an Unequal World”, the conference aims to be relevant to research integrity (RI) stakeholders across all disciplinary fields from the basic and applied natural and biomedical sciences to the humanities and social sciences. RI stakeholders include researchers, institutional leaders, national and international policy makers, funders, among others.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission & travel grant applications – 15 October2021
Notifications of acceptance of abstracts & travel grant applications – 15 February 2022
All accepted presenters must register before the deadline of the early registration – 15 March 2022
Abstract Submission
General Information
Submission of abstracts is now invited for presentation at the 7th World Conference on Research Integrity (7th WCRI). You may submit a maximum of 3 abstracts.
The abstracts must be written in English. All oral and poster presentations must be given in English and no translation service will be provided during the conference. Oral presentations will be made during concurrent sessions.
Oral presentations by participants in an early stage of their career (< 5 yrs post-education) will be according to the Pecha Kucha format, grouped together in a number of concurrent sessions and be considered for the Presentation Award.
Other oral presentations will be 10 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion.
Posters will be displayed during the conference. At least one of the authors, preferably the first author, is expected to be in attendance during the poster walk (short pitches and discussion) in which the poster is included and as much as possible during the coffee and lunch breaks.
All abstracts must be submitted online via the conference website no later than October 15, 2021. An abstract must be submitted by one of its authors. Presenters must be one of the authors of an abstract. Once the abstract is submitted, no changes in the online form will be allowed. The receipt of your abstract will be confirmed by email. Only complete abstracts forms will be considered. Submissions after the closing date may be considered by the CoChairs, but this is by no means guaranteed.
The submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the 7th WCRI Programme Committee. Applicants will be informed of the outcome at the latest by 17 February 2022.
All notifications will be sent to the email address provided during the abstract submission process. The decisions of the Programme Committee are final.
Abstracts will be analysed with text similarity detecting software. If all or a substantial part of the abstract has been published or submitted elsewhere this needs to be declared and explained on the abstract form. These abstracts may still be accepted but might get lower priority.
All accepted presenters must register before the deadline of the early registration on 15 March 2022. If the presenters have not registered by 15 March 2022, the abstract will not be included in the conference programme and the abstract book.
Dissemination of Abstracts
Accepted abstracts will be bundled in a digital abstract book (in PDF format) and posted on the conference website. After the conference, the abstract book will remain available on the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation website.
Presenters of oral presentations are asked for permission to post a PDF format of the PowerPoint presentation after the conference on the conference website, which will later be transferred to the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation website.
If your abstract has been accepted but circumstances prevent your attendance, please ask a co-author to present and notify the Conference Secretariat in writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about this change as soon as possible. If cancellation is unavoidable, please contact the Conference Secretariat immediately to remove your abstract from the conference programme.
Submit an Abstract
Travel Grants
General information
To facilitate participants from lower and middle income countries who are unable to raise the necessary funds to attend 7th WCRI, limited funding is available to subsidize travel and accommodation costs.
Travel grant applications should not be made later than 15 October 2021.
The maximum level of travel grant support varies depending on the region of residence. International recipients will receive a maximum grant allocation of R23,000. African recipients will receive a maximum grant allocation of R18,000.
Flights and accommodation for travel grant recipients will be booked by the conference organiser. Please note that airport transfers are not included. Registration fee will be waived for all travel grant recipients.
Applicants for travel grants must be a citizen of or have their main affiliation in a lower or middle income country and explain convincingly why a travel grant is needed.
Recipients must be the presenting author of an accepted abstract for oral or poster presentation.
Only complete travel grant applications will be considered. Applicants will be informed of the decision latest by 15 February 2022. All notifications will be sent to the email address provided on the travel grant form. The decisions of the Programme Committee are final.
Submit your application here.