Copyright: International Hospital Federation
The second 2019 issue of the World Hospitals and Health Services (WHHS) has been published on the IHF website.
The IHF has been working with its members to support of professionalization in the field of healthcare management, notably with the adoption of the global competency directory for healthcare leadership and management in 2015. Since 2015, significant progress has been made in defining and requiring a competency-based approach in both graduate education and continuous professional development. The articles in this issue of the World Hospitals and Health Services (WHHS) Journal of the IHF showcase recent trends in competencies in health care management training and accreditation programs.
The full version of the journal is accessible and downloadable for all IHF members. Log in or sign up for a new account to read and download the publication.
Alternatively, the second journal issue can be found on Dropbox.
For any enquiry or any additional information, please contact the IHF secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Contents of the journal includes:
04 Global Accreditation: Why the CAHME Model is Important in Healthcare Management Education by: Anthony C. Stanowski, Daniel J. West and Bernardo Ramirez
07 Credentialing for Healthcare Executives: Advancing the Profession through the FACHE Credential by: Julianna Kazragys and Cynthia A. Hahn
12 The Case for Healthcare Leader Competencies: Exploring the Evidence by: S. Robert Hernandez and Stephen J. O’connor
18 Emerging Roles in Healthcare: a New Approach Based on Managing Competencies by: Irene Gabutti, Daniele Mascia and Americo Cicchetti
21 Competencies of Hospital Managers: Iran’s Case Study by: Mehdi Jafari, Ali Nemati and Eric De Roodenbeke
29 Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in Healthcare: Gauging Leadership Competencies of Hospital Managers by: Cherie Lynn Ramirez, Bernardo Ramirez and Antonio Hurtado Belendez
34 The Competency-Based Management Model as a Springboard for Transformation in Health Care and Social Care Organisations by: Noelia Santiago, Anna Riera and Xavier Baro
37 CBEXs Futuro - Brazilian Program for International Leadership in Health by: Eduardo Santana and Luiz Felipe Costamilan
40 Competencies for Future Healthcare Managers in Europe (FHME) by: Gabriel Antoja, Jaume Ribera and Carl Savage