In light of the need to promote and disseminate the results of the finished researches, the consortium thru the Research Utilization Committee (RUC) joined two different activities of its stakeholders this month of September.

A research caravan was conducted by the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) on September 8, 2019 in collaboration with the Philippine Nurses Association - Ilocos Sur Chapter. The vision and mission of the R1HRDC was presented as well as the findings of the DOST - PCHRD - R1HRDC funded research projects to encourage health professionals especially the nurses to engage in quality health research to improve quality of life.

Another celebration is the 2019 Regional Science and Technology Week (for Region 1) on September 17-20, 2019 held at Centennial Arena, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte with the theme, "Science for the People: Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Development". Spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology Regional Office 1,

the celebration was attended by their various stakeholders which showcased the significant scientific and technological breakthroughs that support inclusive socio-economic growth in the region. The exhibit area was divided in six (6) clustered groups following the sustainable development goals that featured Technology Exhibits, Technology Fora, Interactive Exhibits, and Technology Bazaar among others. Under the clustered groups on Aging Society, Health and Medical Care, the R1HRDC displayed posters of the 7 (Seven) funded and finished research papers. Most of the participants were not able to fully understand the scientific aspect of the exhibited researches, however, results were explained in a simpler words they can understand and appreciate.

At the end of the activities, the participants manifested their eagerness to know more about the services that the consortium offers, especially the training on how to develop research proposals.