DOST-PCHRD Undergraduate Thesis Grant in Natural Products



A. Two (2) thesis proposals will be selected per region who will receive a grant amounting to a maximum of Fifty Thousand Pesos (Php 50,000.00).

B. A Memorandum of Agreement will be signed between the students, adviser, head of institution, and DOST-PCHRD.

C. The thesis fund will be deposited to the bank account of the thesis adviser and will be liquidated with corresponding receipts after completion of the study.

D. The grant must be expended based on the approved line item budget.



All undergraduate students of Pharmacy, Chemistry, Nursing and Health, and Allied Sciences who have thesis proposals on natural products may apply. The proposed thesis study must use plants indigenous in the region. The project must be completed a year after receiving the grant.



Applicants should submit the following documents to the Region 1 Health Research and Development Consortium (R1HRDC):

A. Duly accomplished prescribed research proposal form with college seal

B. Endorsement letter from the institution signed by the head of the university college dean

C. Soft copy of the proposal (MS Word Format)

D. Hard copy of the proposal using A4 paper

E. Certificate of plant authentication

F. Appropriate

clearances (e.g. Ethics clearance for studies involving human participants; Gratuitous Permit from the Protected Areas and Wildfire Resource Division of DENR for studies involving collection of wildlife; Bureau of Animal Industry clearance for studies involving animal subjects; Biosafety Clearance for studies involving genetic engineering and pathogenic organisms; National Commission on Indigenous Peoples Clearance for studies involving Indigenous Peoples)

G. Curriculum vitae of the students and adviser using the prescribed form



1. Technical merit

  • Objectives are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound;
  • The study design supports the objectives; and
  • The study sample and methodology are appropriate

2. Data management

  • The plan for data collection is clearly described;
  • Quality control procedures for data collection are in place; and
  • Statistical analysis is well described

3. Relevance/significance

  • The study addresses an important health problem; and
  • The study contributes to the advancement of scientific knowledge

4. Proponent/institution's capacity

  • The investigators are qualified and appropriately trained to carry out the study;
  • The proposed study is appropriate to the experience level of the investigator; and
  • The implementing institution is capable of carrying out the proposed study


For inquiries please contact the R1HRDC Secretariat, Ms. ANA GAY D. RANGA at 09308817266 or 09778031747 or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.